İbrahim Betil
Ibrahim Betil, born in 1944 in Istanbul, graduated from Robert College.
Betil has undertaken managerial positions in industrial and financial institutions. During his banking career he worked as vice president, member of executive boards and chairman in various banks and took part in the establishment of a number of banks in Turkey and abroad. He also worked in the top management of leasing, factoring and industrial firms. Betil currently serves in the managing boards of some private firms and undertakes some project based consultancy work.
Betil has taken part in various social projects as well. He closely takes an interest in education in Turkey. He is one of the founders of ENKA Schools and still the chairman of the board of trustees. He is also one of the founders of Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey besides various managerial positions in different educational institutions.
Ibrahim Betil prepares an economics programme on television as well as a radio programme for children which he also presents with them.
In addition to managerial positions in a number of national and international associations and societies he currently is the president of the Community Volunteers Foundation of which he is one of the founders.
Faik Çelik
Faik Celik graduated from Public Administration Department of Marmara University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in 1981. After completing his Master’s in Money and Banking at Istanbul University, he did his PhD in Risk Management and Banking in the Economics Department of the same university.
Celik started his professional life as an assistant auditor in Garanti Bankasi. He currently works as a lecturer at Kocaeli University whereas he also gives lectures at Istanbul Technical, Istanbul, Istanbul Trade and Dogus Universities as a visiting lecturer.
Faik Celik, having written two books and several articles, also holds various certificates in banking and finance.
He serves as a member of Advisory Board of Kobirate.
Mehmet Buldurgan
Born in 1954 at Adana, Mehmet Buldurgan completed his secondary school education in Tarsus American College, his high school education in Ankara Science High School and then he got his bachelor´s degree from Bogazici University Faculty of Management in 1977.
He started his professional life right after graduation in 1977 as manager in various companies. He became the youngest manager in the history of Çukurova Elektrik A.Ş. when he started to work in the company as Trade Manager at the age of 27. Then, he continued his professional life in various positions in Temsa A.Ş. from 1984 to 1993 as Finance Manager, Director and Deputy Director General. Between 1993-1999, he worked in various companies (Berdan Tekstil-Altınyıldız) in different management positions and he joined Temsa A.Ş. once again in January 2000 as General Manager and after having served for more than 10 years, he left the company as CEO in October 2010. He, then, founded mbco Strategic Consultancy Limited Company with offices in Istanbul and Adana where he fulfilled the position of chairman of the board.
He started sirketortagim.com, the first and only online merger & acquisitions portal of Turkey with the purpose of filling the void he noticed in mergers & acquisitions for sme´s in 2012. In addition, he started its English version, mergeinturkey.com in order to help smes find foreign investors. He is also president of TEID (Ethics and Reputation Society). Mehmet Buldurgan who has taken out an angel investor licence the new scope of the legislation from the undersecretariat of treasury, now established ANgel Investors Network, with a kick of meeting on 26th of September 2013 with 10 startups and 20 licenced angel investors.